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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
f(x)’s Luna starts shooting her drama!
f(x)’s Luna is definitely multi-talented, as other than her strong vocals and amazing dancing skills, she has now stepped into the acting area as she has started filming her new drama!! Through her me2day, Luna has posted the photo above, along with the message: 오늘은♥드라마촬영을 이태원에서 하게되서 언니오빠들과 석천오빠의 음식점에서 맛있는 저녁을 먹었쪄요 루나가 사랑하는 파스타와 피자의 맛이.,♥구웃><♬♬ Translated: “Today♥ I began to shoot for a drama in Itaewon so along with the unnies and the oppas, we ate a very delicious dinner at Seokcheon’s restaurant. Luna loves the pasta and pizza’s tastes.,♥ Goood><♬♬" In the photo, Luna is seen in the middle of a meal, while holding up some kind of food and smiling cutely in her beautiful blonde hair. She looks gorgeous even in such a casual look.