A representative confirmed this, commenting, “The Wonder Girls are currently spending busy days filming for their TV movie, ‘The Wonder Girls at the Apollo‘. If there aren’t any additional schedules to be added, they will be returning to Korea within the weekend and begin preparations for their comeback.”
The girls’ comeback comes at a time where the big girl group names are making comebacks as well, proving that this fall will indeed be an epic one indeed. The Wonder Girls will be facing stiff competition from the likes of SNSD, T-ara, SECRET, IU, Orange Caramel, and Brown Eyed Girls. In order to stand out from the group, the girls will be producing a concept that will be different from their beloved retro concepts.
The same representative also said, “The album will be produced in a movie OST format. We’ll be planning our concept to fit around the feel of the song, so as opposed to retro, we feel that it will be more pop. The Wonder Girls will definitely be coming out with a new image, so please look forward to it.”
A movie OST format? That surely is a new idea. I wonder how that will turn out. I’m definitely anticipating their pop concept and see how that matches up against the other groups!